目前分類:也許 (9)

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我們相隔了 17 天才見面 - 這對之前一個禮拜至少見面一次以上的我們﹐已經算是很久。
先前你生病或 whatever, 沒接我電話也沒有回打﹐然後我開始上班 + 24 ﹐倒也混了過去。

星期六早上你打來﹐我們去 local 4 吃早飯喝酒﹐我快累死了﹐

去 Aji Sai 吃 all you can eat sushi, 結束後去 starbucks 喝咖啡﹐
我看到窗外 coffee date 的廣告﹐說你應該去參加﹐
你說 "aren't we doing that now?"

之後我們去 big carrot, 正好碰到 taste of danforth,
這大概就是 straight 女生和 gay 男生的關係﹐
和一般男生朋友出去﹐再熟也不會共用一個吸管﹐也不會互 flirt﹔
我逛 cook's store 不知道把 ice tea 放哪裡﹐你主動拿過去一樣
(那時候我隨便把手上的飲料放在架子上, 你順手拿起來說: 不要亂放, 倒了很丟臉)
(鳳梨跟 ice tea 是哪一國的例子啦﹗)
你若不開口便不像 gay,
所以跟你走在一起還有一點點虛榮 --- 我跟一個可愛的金髮男生走一起那種。

講半天還是沒講為什麼是像 "情侶" 啊。
不知道﹐可能我覺得有點 chemistry 吧。

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你的生日﹐到之前有點緊張﹐因為你妹妹和 Alicia 都在那裡。

所以我穿了那件灰色的洋裝﹐端莊可是 shows my curve, 頭髮放下來,
which is a bad bad idea 'cause it became puffy...

剛開始無聊得很﹐Chris 和 Ellen 都出現﹐我們卻連招呼也不想打﹐

後來 party 漸漸有趣起來﹐但是你在幾桌之間週旋﹐
"am i just your back up best friend?"
"I'm sorry. I know i took you for granted today, but i have obligations.
You're very important to me. You're never my second best friend."
我有點驚訝, I can't remember the exact words now, but you sounded so guilty.
"I'm sorry that I made you explain. You shouldn't have to. It's your birthday."
"I explain 'cause I want to. Otherwise you know i won't." 你說 "I love you"
你上次的 i love you 開始了之後的混亂﹐這次 i love you 希望可以 open the door to serenity between us.

然後我們之間恢復了彼此的默契﹐you and I, 熟稔親昵﹐一起。

走去 mitchel 家路上﹐我們兩個一起走著, 把你其他朋友遠遠丟在後面

"i'm so sorry i didn't pay enough attention to you today."
"it's ok"
"You keep me centered." 你說 "How do you do that?"
"I don't know...'cause i'm an asian."

You popped e, invited me back to your place to keep you company.
"Am i your bitch?"
You said "why don't you trust this? I'm offended. I'd never treat you that way."

你說 wax 之後皮膚不舒服﹐我開玩笑說要看﹐結果你真的把上衣脫下來﹐


at one point 你說要去 take a shower,
"i'm sorry i can't offer you the same thing, 'cause it'd be akward."
之後你又說 "i'm not saying that we should take a shower together."

e, 你乾淨的家﹐沒開瓶的紅酒﹐ waxing, shower......oh did i miss some signs?

寫這些流水帳﹐因為我想記得﹐和你 intimate 的回憶。
你後來說 "you look beautiful today. I'm so proud of you."
proud of me, why should you be proud of me?


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"You are beautiful. Your body is curvy, well-proportioned and sexy.
You really have been amazing to me. I was in a dark place a few months ago,
but you listened to me, let me talk about myself and that really helped.
We're good for each other."

"Now this is a beautiful woman. You should make her your babe."
你等他走了之後﹐說 "He said about babe."
我給你一個飛吻﹐你給我你的 signature wink

"You're a mystery. I don't know where your deep insecurities come from...I know that
you're afraid of being another Jocelyn, but the fact is you've changed.
You're capable of learning and that to me is a sign of intelligence. You're anything but stupid.
We wouldn't hang out as much if you're not really smark."

"Whenever i see you, i need to discipline myself. Physical interaction between us
seems to devastate our friendship. I'm really attracted to you.
When we said goodbye before, i'd want to ravage you and I was just controlling it.
I fantasize about having sex with you, but sometimes
i'd be weird out and not sure whether i can make it through. I'm a very
in-the-moment person, so when i'm in the moment, i'm more likely to be able to carry it through."

"I need to control myself 'cause i'm afraid that i'm being unfair to you,
that i'm leading you on. You and I are not going to work out."

"I know we're not going to work out. I'm not even saying that you can be
my boyfriend. The only thing that will make me think you're leading me on
will be that after making out with me, you'd tell me that we're just friends."
"Well, that's not what i'm saying. I've always made my feelings quite clear."

然後我跟你說 stop assuming what my expectations are
"'cause you don't know! I don't fantasize about you
boning me whenever we hung out."
"Aw...really?" 你露出失望表情
"Really! Like back on Tuesday, you probably think that
i expect sex to happen, but the fact is i was having my period!"

"You always back away at the last minute."
"Well, can it be that i just don't want sex in the public?"
"I never said it has to be in the public. It can be at my place."
我又說"I don't think we're ready to have sex."
你也搖搖頭, 說"Well..the way i see it is, if we're not ready,
it won't happen, but if it's going to happen, then it will happen."

非常的 turn off. 聊天時﹐也沒有什麼 chemistry.


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  • Jul 27 Mon 2009 13:23
  • WTF

我們﹐今天﹐又 make out


一開始你已經開始 send the vibe
然後我們在 sidewalk 接吻 (又是 side walk!)

you said that "you turned a gay!"
you said that you might be attracted to me.
you said that you're in this i don't know phase.

and i went home, again, by myself.

啊﹐ 幹﹗﹗﹗


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我和你啊﹐很像在 dating
你自己也說 people thought we're together.

昨天和你去 gabby's, 看到那個和你之前 flirt 過的 queen B
和你出去 patio 抽煙。
哎喲﹐從來沒看過你那麼 flustered,
唉好吧﹐那麼來扮 friendly 不過又有距離感的 "友人吧"

Queen B 過來說 Hi
他離開後﹐我嘴上開玩笑的說要 send shots over﹐
心裡其實有點難過 --- i don't want to push this one again.

還好你說不要。哈哈﹐難得你的 shell works to my advantages.

下大雨了﹐想看雨而過去 patio 抽煙﹐
我用百試皆有用的衣服稱讚法跟 queen b 講話
------ 誰聽到自己的衣服被稱讚會不爽啊
這個 bar 好像規定非得踩到 patio 上才可以抽煙
所以 queen b 酸酸的向你說
然後在我們抽煙時﹐堅持不可在 "裡面" 抽煙。

結果後來坐回 bar 之後﹐你說 he was being quite rude
and you're totally turned off.
Queen B 沒拿到你的 attention, 過來 bar 玩無聊的投幣游戲。

他那樣作的確讓你很嫉妒 (嫉妒得很﹗)
對 queen b 完全沒有意思﹐
之後呢﹐we kissed at the bar, at the patio
連熟識的酒店老闆娘都嘴角帶著一抹 smirk

我們在 patio 的時候你說
"妳到底還要什麼﹖一個 gay 那麼 into 妳﹐如果我是妳﹐早就開始 brag"
你說 "you mean a world to me. you have more of me than 99% of the people in the world."

之後你問我該不該過去向 queen B 跟直男打招呼
反正現在你已經穩贏 (啊是有誰會一玩投幣式游戲玩 1 個小時的啦)﹐過去都無妨。
你過去說 hi, 直男立刻離開 queen b 和你說話﹐
你回來 bar, 故意和我接吻﹐直男半起鬨半開玩笑要不要 3 P

游戲大勝﹐不過扮演 prop 的感受真討厭 。

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你在 subway 上面說

---- 替我點煙﹐開酒瓶﹐留位子﹐thinly slicing chicken XD


來這裡的路上﹐你坐我旁邊﹐要我緊貼你坐著﹐在 bus 上﹐一有兩個人的空位便要我們兩個坐過去
你和我﹐輕輕的 flirt﹐
"the coffee is hot"
"yes, just like me"

"i like your french manicure. very classy"

啊﹐你還告訴我﹐you can't imagine bringing 魚 here.
是吧﹐我和你這樣出現...今天晚上簡直就像是 3 對情侶的 dinner party。
見面時你抱著我的肩膀﹐說 now you can start your day again
--- cause i said i had a bad day.

還有我們﹐緊緊擁抱﹐and you said "you're so warm".

我在 0 和 100 間徘徊。平衡點在哪裡﹖50 令我難過﹐可令你說了 no 的 90 亦然。


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今天做了 manicure and pedicure, 淺褐色大格子洋裝﹐走向在 bar 外面抽煙等待的你﹔
"Nice dress!" 你說
"Thanks~" 我很高興。她說過這套洋裝讓曲線格外明顯﹐success.
你說中午和你的 potential boyfriend 見面﹐聊天聊得不錯
"i realize that attraction grows as you get to know the other person better."

趁你去洗手間的時候和朋友 "討論戰策"
"Do you guys think he is interested?"
"Yes he is. He kept looking at you and he flirts.
I forgot what we were talking about, but he was jealous."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, make him jealous"


你回來﹐我們開始聊起我的同事 --- 一個想上我想了很久的人
我說唉怎麼樣才好呢﹖我現在也很想跟他見面﹐而且 he is so cute.
可是我不想太主動, blah blah blah
你說 "Well, you need to make a guy think that you're interested so that he is in control.
There is a fine line between playing hard to get and not interested at all"
你說 "but that's only in your head! You do this so much!"
你說 "ok, i'm going to translate for you. Talk to me as if you're that guy"
"ok...how are you?"
"I want your **!!"

"Just tell him! and dont play games" three people said.
你又看著我﹐說"but sometimes you need to put it on the line.
Even if you don't get the response you want, but then that's not your problem"
你停一陣﹐說 "I like your nails."

"If i say yes, i look like an asshole, but if i say no, then i'm a dumb ass"
"Just say it."
你揭露答案﹐但是也看著我說 "You can't just say no when i approach you,
and then say yes again 10 minutes after i leave.
The fact is neither of us can force it."
"I'm sorry. I just need time to react. It happened really fast for me."

我在你耳邊告訴你 what i think about when i though myself and when i see your fingers
You groaned "Oh that's so hot." 然後你的手探過來摸我。
"I think we need to realize that we're in the public." 一向很在乎自己形像的你說
"really?" 我餵你一顆冰塊﹐湊過去咬耳朵 "oh i'm so sorry that they're not getting right now,
that they're just going back to their obese husband and kids."
你大笑 "you're so funny."

你說 "I promise that, at least for now, i'll never use our attraction against you.
You know i'm a genuine person."
"I can't promise about guys, but i can tell you that i never look at other girls on the street.
I'm a very selective person."
"You probably won't like this, but i told me sister about what happened, and she said
that if it were her, she would have lied down. I also talked to my roommate about you.
You see? I think about you a lot."
"You've been an amazingly good influence in my life and you probably think that that's
the only reason i like you. The fact is that you're wrong."

You went so far as to talk about your jealousy.

"hey but you're going to get married next year."

手一直放在你大腿內側﹐偶爾往上移。 and you really like it.
"Touch it." 你說 "It's getting hard."
我的手很酸﹐這個角度實在很不方便﹐but i like what i touched.
你湊過來說 "I've been staring down your bra. You should be proud.
So many guys couldn't make me as hard as you do.
I'm going to thrust again and again until you can't take it anymore."
你的手不停想伸下去﹐but i'm shy.
"Let me touch it." you whispered.
You could tell i was soaked.

We kissed and kissed. You put your hands on me, rubbing and pushing.

之後呢﹖我們不停 make out, 可也許我太明顯﹐用計過度﹐
We didn't do as anything, even though you moaned so loud when
i felt you up and kissed your ears. Even when you told me that neither
Pavan or Chris can make you as aroused.

"I think i'm straight." 你說


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4 響後﹐你說 "Leanne?"

(now that you called), i'm feeling a lot better now.
it'll be corny if i tell you why.

短短的 conversation 裡﹐你說了好幾次
you're glad that i called. You're really happy that I called.

oh honey, 原來你是男人﹐我是女人。

I'm gonna forget this, so i'm going to remember this.

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我們在 Grad Party﹐是雙子的你出現了嗎﹖We flirted up a storm

"Do you know what you are doing?" 我問
"I'm having fun. It's the grad party." 你說


然後我們三個回我家 fresh up
"I'm not strong enough for this. If i end up being cold or mean,
it's only because I'm dealing with my own weaknesses."
"I'm just having a good time, being myself. I never meant to hurt you."

她不舒服﹐於是就我們兩個 hang out.
可愛的小 bar, 食物啤酒皆上乘。
幾巡酒後﹐I explained to you about "trust and patience"
很喜歡你 so real and genuine.
"You have amazing insights. I really enjoy your company and our conversations and have always liked you.
("even back in april?" I joked) You bring out the best in me.
You're always so supportive and loyal.
I know that you will always be on my side and that's just hard to find.
I know that in your eyes our relationship is not even."
你比了個高低不等的手勢 "that i'm this god capable of doing all the tricks.
But the way I see it is that we're equal. I do like and need you as much as you like and need me."
"Honey, be careful." 我不得不說
"I'm only 28, with 10 years less of experience.
I may not know myself enough and I can disappoint you in the future."
"It's ok, i understand. I've been 28 once, too and you know I'm very patient.
The only thing that would tick me off is absolute selfishness -- I can even justify and understand normal selfishness."
你說了﹐"you're everything i want in a guy." XD!

"Don't take it the wrong way.
Would you make out with someone like me?" 我問
"Well, don't take it the wrong way, but i kissed you first."
抽煙的時候 we had a hug and a peck on the lips.
只有肉慾的接觸 "cheapens it"﹐intimacy, however, does not.

"You're so beautiful." 你不停不停的說
"So gorgeours, your lips, eyes, and skin..."
我們一次抽煙的時候﹐你說 "I love you."
"I love you, too" I said,
but then i changed my words "oh i shouldn't have said that.
If i do love you, i wouldn't have those doubts."
It was a beautiful night.

可是我記得離開後﹐we kissed, at the side walk.
一直以為你會溫柔細膩一如他﹐可是 surprisingly 與我不同國的你﹐
and you wouldn't stop touching me
--- even though we were still on the sidewalk!

然後我們在門外﹐oh and we made out like crazy.
Then you pushed me toward the wall, standing behind me, grinding.
Do you want me as much as i want you?
"I'm hard now." 你笑著說 "and i have to walk in there saying hi to P.
This is embarrassing."

送你離開時﹐我們抽煙 --- 然後還有什麼﹖當然是不停的 make out
我有些退縮﹐"kiss me"你說。我還在猶豫 "kiss me" you insisted.
I leaned over and kissed you. 你親舔我的耳朵﹐不停摸我。
我們 flirt and dare﹐你說我 prude, 我說你 cowardy
我坐在你前面的階梯上﹐we kissed and kissed
you were so crazy. You wanted it, right there,
regardless of whether it's the front entrance or hallway.
my conditions are a shower and the study room.
You being a cancer, retreated to the shell when i pressed hard enough.

But we had a good time. I stayed over accidentally.
Nothing happened. It was just a beautiful night.

"Faith," she once said to me "have faith."

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